Growing up in a home where both of my Mexican immigrant parents worked constantly to provide for me and my brother is something I will always cherish. This, in turn, resulted in what is now a very close-knit bond that I share with my brother who happens to be my best friend. My incredibly intelligent older brother constantly supports and encourages me to keep pushing and fighting for what I want. My parents come from a small rural farm town in Michoacán, Mexico which we visit every year for the holidays. Being exposed to their hometown has allowed me to be extremely grateful for the incredible academic and financial opportunities that I have the privilege of having access to. 

Seeing the lower accessibility to medical care that the people in my parents’ hometown is actually what further encouraged me to want to pursue a career in the medical field. I want to volunteer in underprivileged communities that seek medical assistance and care. It’s not because I have some hero complex but rather because my experiences in Mexico have allowed me to see what inaccessibility to medical care can do to families and individuals. I would just like to play my part in decreasing suffering for individuals who may be in need of medical help. My interest in the science part of the medical field is also what happens to fuel my drive in pursuing a medical career.